gRPC integration testing

Current limitations / future plans

  • Should be able to specify channel credentials.

  • Currently there is no way of doing custom TLS options (like with rest/mqtt)

  • Better syntax around importing modules

  • Some way of representing streaming RPCs? This is pretty niche and Tavern is built around a core of only making 1 request which doesn’t work well with streaming request RPCs, but streaming response RPCs could be handled like multiple MQTT responses.

  • Much like the tavern-flask plugin it wouldn’t be too difficult to write a plugin which started a Python gRPC server in-process and ran tests against that instead of having to use a remote server

  • Fix comparing results - currently it serialises with


    Which formats a field like my_field_name as my_field_name and not myFieldName which is what protojson in Go converts it to for example, need to provide a way to allow people to write tests using either one

  • protos are compiled into a folder based on tempfile.gettempdir(), this could be configurable


There are 2 ways of specifying the grpc connection, in the grpc block at the top of the test similarly to an mqtt connection block, or in the test stage itself.

In the grpc.connect block:

    host: localhost
    port: 50052

In the test stage itself:

  - name: Do a thing
      host: "localhost: 50052"

The connection will be established at the beginning of the test and dropped when it finishes.

SSL connection

Tavern currently defaults to an insecure connection when connecting to grpc, to enable SSL connections add the secure key in the connect block:

    secure: true


Generic metadata can be passed on every message using the metadata key:

    my-extra-info: something

Advanced: connection options

Generic connection options can be passed as key:value pairs under the options block:

      grpc.max_send_message_length: 10000000

See the gRPC documentation for a list of possible options, note that some of these may not be implemented in Python.


The grpc_request block requires, at minimum, the name of the service to send the request to

  - name: Say hello
      service: helloworld.v3.Greeter/SayHello
        name: "John"

The ‘body’ block will be reflected into the protobuf message type expected for the service, if the schema is invalid then an exception will be raised.


If no response is specified, Tavern will assume that any response with an OK status code to be successful.

Other status codes are specified using the status key. The gRPC status code should be a string matching a gRPC status code, for example OK, NOT_FOUND, etc. or the numerical value of the code. It can also be a list of codes.

  - name: Echo text
      service: helloworld.v1.Greeter/SayHello
        name: "John"
      status: "OK"  # Also the default

Loading protobuf definitions

There are 3 different ways Tavern will try to load the appropriate proto definitions:

Specifying the proto module to use

If you already have all the Python gRPC stubs in your repository. Example:

    module: server/helloworld_pb2_grpc

This will attempt to import the given module (it should not be a Python file, but the path to the module containing the existing stubs) and register all the protos in it.

Specifying a folder with some protos in


    source: path/to/protos

This will attempt to find all files ending in .proto in the given folder and compile them using the protoc compiler. It first checks the value of the environment variable PROTOC and use that, and if not defined it will then look for a binary called protoc in the path. proto files are compiled into a folder called proto under the same folder that the Tavern yaml is in.

This has a few drawbacks, especially that if it can’t find the protoc compiler at runtime it will fail, but it might be useful if you’re talking to a Java/Go/other server and you don’t want to keep some compiled Python gRPC stubs in your repository.

Server reflection

This is obviously the least useful method. If you don’t specify a proto source or module, the client can attempt to use gRPC reflection to determine what is the appropriate message type for the message you’re trying to send. This is not reliable as the server you’re trying to talk to might not have reflection turned on. This needs to be specified in the grpc block:

  attempt_reflection: true